Post #4: Racism in Schools and Workspaces, and how to fight against it
Recognizing Racism in Schools & Workspaces: How to Fight Against It Although it may not be noticeable at all times, r acism can manifest in many forms, from blatant discrimination to subtle impolite aggressions. In schools or workspaces, you may notice actions from your peers that may not be very friendly, such as racial stereotypes or hostile jokes. Here are some tips and steps you can take towards identifying and combating racism in these settings. 1. Recognize the signs of racism In schools, racist and discriminatory behavior is rather rare, but there are still occasions where hurtful language can transpire. To properly identify racism, look out for these behavior demonstrated by your peers: 1. Slurs and name-calling As a joke or to make fun, students may call people of different cultures or backgrounds d...