Post #2: How to treat your domestic helpers nicely
How to treat domestic helpers nicely: A guide on fostering healthy relationships
Domestic helpers play a vital role in many households, whether it is cleaning, cooking or doing chores. While it's important to respect and value their contributions to our families, many helpers may not always receive the treatment they deserve. However, in Hong Kong or Singapore, their contributions are often overlooked, and sometimes, they may even be disrespected.
1. Love and Respect
Domestic helpers should be treated with equal respect and admiration, just like any other job or profession. Create an inclusive environment where they are treated as a valued member of the family, just like any other family member. Show your helper respect and gratitude and ask for their needs in long-term contracts like these. If you could, you can even try involving them in family plans or events if they see fit.
2. Fair Wages & Accommodation
Just like what you would expect out of any other job, domestic helpers should receive equal pay and salary. If they are sacrificing their time to work extra around the house, don't be shy to reward them for their hard work! To ensure that they have a good time working, you should also offer health insurances and bonuses. A safe and comfortable working environment is also important for their living. As a good employee, you should offer the suitable working equipment for efficient work, and make sure they have a good, private environment for their meals and breaks.
3. Be flexible and understanding
Domestic workers have their own lives too, such as family commitments or personal responsibilities outside work. As a flexible employee, make sure to be understanding with their schedule and allow time for appointments, responsibilities and emergencies, under the circumstances that do not affect their work efficiency. This shows that you value their privacy and well-being.
4. Celebrate milestones and small successes together
Celebrate successes and milestones together! Celebrations like birthdays, work anniversaries and even achievements highly strengthens your relationship together and shows that you treasure their help around the family.
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